In the past, fine braiding was used as a very elaborate braiding technique for the production of luxurious articles of daily use, of containers and bags, but also for seats and backs of chairs. The young designer and wickerwork creator Rosa Gies now wants to revive the appreciation of this craft. Through a very reduced approach to design, she emphasises the individual character of wickerwork.

At the moment her focus is on classic fine braiding. Here willow rods are split by hand and then planed to a certain width and thickness on a Franconian willow plane - also by hand. The resulting willow rods, which are usually less than a millimetre thick, are then woven to create filigree and impressive braids in various patterns.
The use of materials that are as sustainable and natural as possible is very important to Rosa Gies. Most of her designs are very reduced and often consist of only a few components. For example the tray "coarse fine wickerwork" where only willow, birch wood and a hemp cord coated with beeswax were used for the production.
The object bowls serve as canvas for the variety of traditional fine wickerwork. The solid cherry wood provides the basis for this and is supplemented by fine wickerwork - woven in various techniques. The bowls are intended as objects as well as objects of daily use.
Rosa Gies graduated in 2018 as a wickerwork designer from the state vocational school for wickerwork design in Lichtenfels. Since then she has taken part in various exhibitions and has made a name for herself in the field of objects, furniture and vessels with her wickerwork theme - as a designer who has dedicated her passion to this special craft technique - and of course is happy to accept individual orders.