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Maike Dahl Everyday Silver

Silversmith Maike Dahl brings us silverware back to our everyday life. It is easy-care and dishwasher proofed. But it feels like sunday eating with her silver spoons or drinking from her silver vessels. This is an amazing effect!


In 2007 Maike Dahl was awarded the State Prize of Lower Saxony for creative craft. The judges justified their decision in the following way: Maike Dahl persued her task of rooting silver bowls and devices into day-to-day usage with great consistency. She managed admirably to shape her cutlery to be of use in a modern household. It is not only up-to-the-minute in its look, lovely to look at and to touch but also easy to handle - all which combine to make it of perfect use in everyday use.

Her silver mugs convince by making perfect use of this basic material, fashioning in exquisitely and creating and exemplary product. She develops her own ornament from a technique we can see and admire. Inspired by the manifold possibilities of folding paper Maike Dahl developed a kind of pattern out of 0.3mm thick sheet silver, her favorite material.

After training as a goldsmith at the professional Academy of Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz Maike Dahl did a diploma in design at the Technical College of Hildesheim followed by studies at the Camberwell College of Art in London. Since 1998 she works for herself as silversmith in Hannover and she teaches as guest lecturer at diverse institutions in Germany and elsewhere.

In 2007 she was awarded with the "Niedersächsischer Staatspreis für das Gestaltende Handwerk", 2008 was the year she also received the Auguste Papendiek Prize in Bremen, later on  2012 the Justus Brinckmann Preis donated by the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Hamburg.2013 she also received the Bayerischer Staatspreis as a very special honor to award her beautiful silver objects.