The bags of Ulrich Czerny merit a closer look. Exhibiting all the qualities of a perfect handbag by concentrating on the essentials: materials, skills and function united in a clear and consequent form.

Czerny uses 2 to 3.5 mm thickness of
strong leather directly to create his prototypes. He cuts them out
from the leather and then uses a special tool to lift out the lines
of the turned over edges. The holes get drawn and pre-pricked before
they get sewn. Even the very first model gets all detailed care. Then
he puts it on show in his workshop and spends days regarding it
critically. Only if the bag convinces as a shape in its environment
will it receive acceptance and its brothers and sisters will be
created. Certainly they will get the same extravagant care in their
hand-made production. Sewing remains more fun than slog and from the
basic models new prototypes emerge again and again, three or four of
which will be accepted every year as new models into the continually
growing family of Czerny bags.