The city of Leipzig has, amongst others, the famous attraction of its zoo ... and as well the amazing trophies created by ceramic artist Rosi Steinbach. Masterly she rules the "Fayence" technique giving her animal characters a natural and at the same time artistic look.

The artists of the Italian Renaissance, above all the artist family della Robbia in Florence, established an amazing state of the art with glazed terra-cotta sculptures and reliefs lasting until nowadays. Rosi Steinbach identified the potential of this traditional technique and transferred this cleverly into her individual way of expressing modern times. She developped a very personal mixture of realism and abstraction in her pieces. Her
portrait busts of the artist Neo Rauch and further contemporary people earned much attention from the public and the art market, many of them being now part of international and public collections.
She is multiplicates her characteristic animal trophies by self created moulds. They are made in clay, the deatiles ar hand formed. Than all is fired, glazed and painted in further steps of production. They look at us, hang on the wall and follow us, maybe wonder what we are doing. They support our preference of special animals and reminde us to take care of their fellows. Rosi carefully sizes down the heads to guarantee a good companionship as the full size of an animals head would be scary.
Since 1997 Rosi Steinbach runs her ceramic studio in Leipzig. She also offers a modern interpretation and self designed variety of glazed Fayence tableware and vessels. On demand she is creates every animal in every size and colour - and individual portraits of course.