Worn, Nora Rochel's rings and hands transform into small landscapes and gardens. Derived from real flowers, the rings are a product of fantasy. Characteristic features are hidden details like small flowers inside or the use of different metals in a ring. They convey the same vividness as the plants.

Nora Rochel traces the peculiarities of natural plants down to the smallest detail, yet with abstract genius. On the one hand, one is reminded of films of deep-sea divers searching for bizarre plants in the caves of coral reefs - on the other hand, one is reminded of pine cones and Veronica filiformi.
Starting from the double meaning of the word "Querbeet", which contains chaotic and wild, but also an allusion to plants and flowerbeds, Nora Rochel explores the world of plants and growth and applies it artistically in both design areas, jewellery and object of everyday culture.
Nora Rochel completed her design degree at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Pforzheim, which she extended with an exchange semester in Korea and a practical semester with Kai Eppi Nölke in Kostanz. Since 2008, she has been appearing with her imaginative jewellery at international exhibitions to great acclaim.