Precious parchment, its lively structure and colourfulness, transparency and lightness, inspires the jewellery designer Hilde Janich to create fascinatingly poetic jewellery. She lets subtle colour compositions trickle and rustle, play with the light and cast small shadows.

Parchment is a very high-quality, delicate but resistant material that lives, works, reacts and is therefore particularly attractive. Traces of wear become visible in the course of time and give each piece of jewellery an additional individual touch.
As three-dimensional graphics or natural-looking foliage, the necklaces play around the décolleté of their wearers. Each handcrafted piece of jewellery mysteriously varies a serial arrangement of forms, often accentuated by small beads and balls, or so-called "happy endings". The virtuous colour compositions play a leading role.
Hilde Janich is a goldsmith with an apprenticeship as a craftswoman, which she completed with a diploma by studying product design at the FH Düsseldorf. Since 1992 she has been working as a freelance jewellery designer. With her extraordinary pieces of jewellery she quickly gained international recognition. Her work has been celebrated in group and individual exhibitions in the most renowned jewellery galleries of the world. Her objects can even be found in the collections of the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the Museum Kolumba, Cologne - but most of all in the possession of many enthusiastic wearers who can be sure of all the attention when they wear her beautiful jewellery pieces by Hilde Janich.