Christoph Straube's jewelry is astonishing, amazingly misleading and precise. They act as though - as if they were pencil sketches on paper, as if they could be grasped in space. At the same time, they are tremendously decorative and, on closer inspection, reveal their creator as a true master.

While other jewelry designers treat base materials in such a way that they look like precious items, he enjoys reversing this idea by making the traditional materials of silver, steel and enamel appear like light sketches cut from paper. However, these are at the beginning of the design process, which he describes himself: " With the help of the computer and a 3D software, I construct three-dimensional objects that I can rotate to determine the convenient view. I export everything as a line drawing to the Illustrator program, where I arrange several shapes and print them out on paper. This is where the traditional handicraft process begins: I simply cut out the shapes, glue them onto metal and saw them out. The rest - and the main part - is enamel painting: in several firing processes I apply a white background, shades and finally I draw the black lines with very fine enamel painting. Only after the last fire and after I have put the whole piece together I can see whether it is correct. "
Christoph Straube is a perfectionist when it comes to the accuracy of implementation, the technical part of his work. By changing perspectives and / or proportions, starting from simple basic shapes, he opens up a wide variety of design options that play with spatial illusions. The surprises when enameling, unpredictable colour deviations or traces of the work process make the liveliness of a piece for him.
His goldsmith training at the Staatlichen Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck in Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz and the subsequent three years of experience as a goldsmith provided Christoph Straube with the basis for his studies in the masterclass of goldsmiths and silversmiths at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg. Since 2006 Christoph Straube is running his own studio in Nuremberg. He is working in teaching and as a freelance jewelry designer. In cooperation with galleries and museums, he is showing his work internationally at the most renowned shows, such as the COLLECT in London or SOFA Chicago and many more.
His so individual pieces of jewelry are unique and very successful among collectors and enthusiastic jewelry wearers.