What kind of universe do you enter here? All these tin, wooden and plastic-like creatures and apparatuses - relatives from the world of animation - breathed their first life out and now get their second chance, humour and irony in piggyback.

Don't stare, that's right! Even if they appear shy, with restrained curiosity or loudmouthed, with a vibrating tongue. They come out of the kitchen, the scrapyard or the junk room and do their thing. They let us wonder - may I? - turn the wheel? Push? Rattle? They awaken the child in us, play with associations and terms, wave their flag and let cartridge cases parade without being militant, send messages via crown cork stickers, rotate with brushes and key antennas and uninhibitedly observe their surroundings - you and me!
As mechanical objects and gadgets they mutate from the useful to the wonderful, they come out as globetrotters, heavyweights, street cruisers and one-eyed bandits who show us the way back into the world of fun, of sense-liberated comedy, of spontaneous joy.
Birgit Borstelmann is actually a goldsmith who can create wonderful jewellery. But at some point she may have gotten bored and taken over by a bit of high spirits?
Today, she is the most successful automata maker in Germany and describes herself as such:
I invent - Give wings, flags and titles - Get pistons and propellers moving - Change definitions - Give a second life - Stop time - Forge happiness and let things run their course...
... to our greatest joy!