Aude Tahon creates an innovating light textile material on a Korean technique of traditional knots called "Madeup" that she applies to the creation of objects for fashion accessories and decorative items. This work on textiles allows her to play with shadow and light contrasts. Her creations have a flowing, translucent, arial nature.

Through her studies in anthroplogy Aude Tahon has always been interested by different type of objects from a technical and creative point of view: from the propellers drawn from sculpted fishing tools to the study of dying, weaving and ikat techniques. Then she decided to put into practice some of these techniques and to experiment and develop her learning by dyeing, folding, assembling, sewing, weaving and knotting.
She has tried several experiments and compares different kinds of creativity whether it would be with women coming from different countries and handycraft backgrounds or through various creative fields like braiding for luxury jewelery to costumes for the musical "Le Roi Soleil".
Since 2005 Aude Tahon established her studio as freelanced textile designer maker and since then her creations have been shown to a larger public at various exhibition opportunities. Some of her creations are even part of the collection of the famous Textile Museum of Lyon, France.